Jeanette's Journey

Jeanette Teh
A former corporate lawyer and educator from Canada, I’m a self-development enthusiast who is passionate about learning and helping others grow.
They say that, on average, a person will change careers five to seven times in their lives.
I am no exception as I’ve had seven career transitions so far, turning that kaleidoscope on my life to find a different perspective and to hit that re-fresh button.
I guess you could say that I’ve re-invented myself a few times and continue to re-fresh my skills as we are all works-in-progress.
Here’s a bit more about me if you’re interested to know more about my career journey. You can also view and download my complete bio here.
A Few Leaps of Faith
My first transition was the hardest as I struggled with the loss of my identity as a lawyer when I took a much needed career break and freelanced as a writer.
I had spent eight years in university – my four-year undergraduate degree in Psychology and Sociology, four years in the joint law and MBA program, and another year articling (interning) before I got called to the bar to practice law. I had only spent about the same time practicing law as I did in university before I decided to call it quits from the profession the first time.

It was a much tougher decision than deciding to move halfway across the world from Toronto, Canada to Dubai, UAE. As an avid traveler from a family of immigrants (my grandfathers left China to settle in Malaysia where I lived until moving to Canada at 13), being an expat was an adventure. It was a way to see the world while embarking on an exciting career progression.

That leap I took, quitting a well-paid profession shortly after the end of the Great Recession, shifted my perspective of myself, much like a turn of the kaleidoscope as it opened my eyes to new possibilities.
These took the form of a freelance writing sabbatical before I went back into law for another year, being an Academic Advisor, overcoming my fear of public speaking to discover a love of teaching during my four years as an Assistant Professor, and then, taking another big leap into self-employment as a corporate trainer, innovation consultant, and a certified coach.
More than two decades after I graduated with my Psychology and Sociology degree, I found my way back to my first love. While I was interested in law and business, I am absolutely riveted whenever I read about and help clients using positive psychology and cognitive behavioural concepts.
When not working, I can be found with my nose buried in a novel, swimming in the sea, riding my bike around Dubai Marina, practicing yoga, tai chi, or Zumba, bingeing on Netflix, and planning my next trip (having visited over 45 countries, there’s still quite a few more on my list).
Areas of Expertise
Since leaving corporate law and academia, and becoming a certified coach, I have worked with both corporate and individual clients across a variety of industries.
I have trained, taught, and facilitated workshops with diverse groups including:
- Corporate clients in various industries from luxury retail such as Cartier and IWC, multinational corporations like Microsoft, and creative agencies like RAPP;
- Lawyers as part of the Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department’s (LAD) Continuing Legal Professional Development Program (CLPD); and
- Undergraduate students as Assistant Professor at American University Dubai (AUD) and Canadian University Dubai (CUD).
My areas of expertise cover
- Navigate career and life transitions.
- Discover purpose to design more fulfilling lives.
- Strengthen Emotional Intelligence (EI) Manage stress effectively.
- Improve confidence.
Essential People Skills
- Strengthen professional and personal relationships.
- Develop influential leadership competencies.
- Hone effective communication skills.
- Overcome difficult situations and conflict.
- Interact better with challenging personalities.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Innovate through ideation (brainstorm) sessions.
- Plan and develop corporate strategy.
- Practiced law for 10 years in Toronto and Dubai.
- Areas of practice included: Corporate/Commercial, IT, Real Estate/Construction, Privacy, Employment, Anti-Corruption/Bribery, and Competition Law.
- Negotiated and drafted multi-million dollar contracts across four continents.
Professional Qualifications
- Honours Bachelor of Science, Psychology (High Distinction), University of Toronto.
- MBA, University of Toronto with exchange at University of Amsterdam.
- JD (Juris Doctor – law), University of Toronto with exchange at University of Amsterdam.
- Ontario Management Development Certificate (Human Resources), Sheridan College.
Licenses and Certifications
- Associate Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Transformative Coach Certificate, Coach Masters Academy.
- Advanced Behavioural Analysis Course (for the DISC Profile), Institute for Motivational Living.
- Licensed Innovation Practitioner, Innovation 360 Group, Sweden.
- Licensed Lawyer, Law Society of Ontario, Canada (2003 to 2017)
Select Relevant Courses
Industry Experience
Luxury Retail
Professional Services
Information Technology
Non Profit
Real Estate
My Value Proposition
Diverse Disciplinary Background
Coming from such a diverse background means that I incorporate various relevant experiences and knowledge into my coaching, whether it is:
- Design Thinking to spur innovation,
- Examples from different industries to trigger creative thinking and cross-functional learning,
- Principles from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to change mindset,
- Leadership theories when coaching managers, or
- DISC behavior styles to help clients improve relationships in their lives.
Global Perspective
Having lived in Canada, UAE (home to 200 nationalities), Netherlands, and Malaysia, I approach every situation and challenge using a global perspective.
Working in diverse multi-cultural environments, negotiating with parties from around the world, and visiting over 45 countries have provided me with greater cultural sensitivity and agility.
I’m a native English speaker with basic knowledge of French, Fukien, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Malay.
Life Long Learning
My never-ending thirst for learning means I’m always up-skilling and updating my knowledge to best serve my clients.
As a total nerd who loves learning and sharing what I’ve learned, I am well-known for being a resource of helpful information for my clients and friends.