What Is Coaching?
Coaching is about empowering you to reach your highest potential by transforming your aspirations into attainable goals.
It is results- and future-oriented, focusing on goals and specific actions people can take. A coach uses powerful questions and active listening to help you reflect and come up with insights to have greater self-awareness, think clearly, and to make better decisions.
A coach can help you understand the values that motivate you, set and reach your goals, increase confidence, succeed in your career or business, and live a more meaningful life.
The word “coach” comes from the traditional meaning of coach as a carriage, one that transports you from where you are to where you want to get to — your life’s destination.
Unlike counselling, consulting, or therapy, the coach is not the expert providing advice, but is there to guide clients as they discover their own solutions and reach their full potential.
Coaching using positive psychology helps people realize that they already have the ability and strengths to overcome their challenges.
Future - Oriented
Coaching is not about diagnosing past issues, but is future-oriented, visualizing what you want to achieve or have happen.
Instead of fixating on the earlier parts of your journey, a coach will help you figure out your next destination by clarifying the values and needs that steer your path, mapping out the necessary steps, and travelling along with you till you successfully reach your destination.
Result - Oriented
The absolute best part about coaching is that it produces RESULTS!
Coaching can help you develop greater self-awareness, grow in your emotional intelligence, improve in development areas, and result in real behavior changes.
See how coaching can help you for the many positive impacts of coaching.
Very Satisfied Clients
Please note: Coaching is not therapy and should not be a replacement for therapy, psychoanalysis, psychologist advice, counselling, mental health care diagnosis or treatment, or medical, legal or business advice.
Coaching is not for mental health crises or emergency situations.
If you are in a crisis or any situation where you are considering self-harm or harm to others, require medical attention, or facing any other emergency, please contact 999, 911, or your local emergency number for help now.