Client Testimonials on the Benefits of the PQ Program
In 2022, a Fortune 100 tech firm seized the opportunity to improve individual wellbeing and, in turn, foster better relationships and performance using the PQ Program.
Across the firm’s global workforce, 3,200 employees in more than 50 countries completed the PQ Program.
- 93% say they manage stress better
- 70% feel more engaged at work
- Nearly 70% say their work relationships have improved
- 97% have strengthened their emotional intelligence
Mental Wellness and Self-Care
“Working on navigating my imposter syndrome and reframing negative self-talk. In my sessions with the amazing Jeanette Teh, I’ve learned that I am my own worst adversary. I am way too hard on myself. I’m working on my mental fitness and learning how to celebrate my wins, self-promote, as well as prioritizing self-care and mental wellness! It’s hard for a motivated go-getter…. But I’m learning to better pace myself and to celebrate myself.
She is an incredible coach and I’m lucky to have found her! So excited to grow and
thrive with her support!”
~ Chrissey Nguyen Klockner
Naheed Malik
“Quick resets during a busy work day to reduce stress”
Michael Todd
“Interrupting negative behaviour for greater success”
Because of the sensitive nature of our coaching sessions, these are what some of our clients have shared about their experience with PQ that have been anonymized and paraphrased to protect their confidentiality.
Increased Self-Awareness, Understanding, and Empathy
“I have recently completed the 6-week journey through the PQ app and Shirzad, on the recommendation of Jeanette Teh. It was a fascinating and challenging experience which has definitely helped me understand myself better, and engage with the world differently.
The commitment was sometimes difficult (because of my saboteurs, I so hate doing things half-heartedly) as there are the daily challenges and exercises, as well as the audio book and weekend lectures. But I am incredibly thankful for the experience.
It has helped me see my interactions with people and reactions to situations in a new light. I have new empathy for myself, as well as others which means I can enter into interactions with compassion and gentleness instead of being defensive and fearful. I also feel more curious around various encounters with people, and with myself.
It is a continuous journey and one where I feel I am only beginning to reap the rewards of. Each day brings new insight into my judge, my saboteurs and my sage. I am learning my strengths and weaknesses, and together with Jeanette’s help, have gained huge insight into myself.
Highly recommend this experience if you feel you need to learn more about how you interact and experience relationships and experiences in your life.”
~ C.H.

Reducing Stress and Increasing Self-Worth
“Helped me recognize what was holding me back and how my Hyper-Achiever had been creating a lot of stress for me unnecessarily. I’m learning to value myself more.” ~ Not-for-Profit Director “The Saboteur Assessment described me so well and how some of these problems kept getting bigger because they weren’t being addressed. Recognizing this and learning strategies to deal with them, I feel relieved that I am now able to let go of the majority of worries and feel more relaxed and more capable.” ~ Learning & Development Manager “I’ve realized what is within my control and what is not which has helped with my anxiety. The biggest learning in our coaching sessions is that catching these Saboteurs is the first step and once I do, it’s much easier to take a mindfulness break and make a choice whether I want to continue being anxious or move forward doing something more practical. Our coaching sessions have helped reduce my anxiety and my Saboteurs are popping up less.” ~ Office Administrator
Enhancing my creativity
“Applying what Jeanette has taught me, I’ve found that I’m in a level of calm instead of being hijacked by the fear usually brought on by the Saboteurs, which enables me to be more creative”.
~ Product Designer
Increasing Confidence and Reducing Negative Self-Talk
“Whenever I talk to Jeanette, it’s like peeling a layer of onion, unravelling myself. It’s amazing talking to her, I feel lot more confident and feel really good recognizing what I’ve accomplished over years. I had been carrying a huge burden for a long time judging myself in my head all the time. I’ve learned a lot from Jeanette who is engaging and has a depth of knowledge which makes our conversations so eye opening. I appreciate her so much.” ~ Software Development Manager “The assessment was mind-blowing. It was very interesting how well I identified myself with the Saboteurs. It made me realize how I talk to myself in such a negative voice all the time, which is something I’m catching myself now, re-framing, and doing short mindfulness techniques that I’ve learnt from Jeanette which have helped me re-set, making things feel less heavy in my mind. ~ Pharmaceutical Company Assistant “I had been so comfortable with my negative self-talk telling me that I’m not smart enough or that I’m lazy my whole life. Now I notice my Judge popping up and I am much more mindful, being in touch with my body, noticing that pit in my stomach when my Saboteurs show up creating anxiety. I’ve seen so much growth in myself and have such a different perspective - I feel like a new version of me has popped out, a new self. I appreciate Jeanette so much. She is so well-spoken and I love her insights. Our conversations which are so empowering!” ~ Tech Sales Executive “I was comparing myself with others too much, but I’m now ok with who I am at the moment and not judging myself all the time about who I should be. Rather, I’m accepting the way I am. I understand the root causes of some of my negative thoughts and I’m learning to control them. ~ Business Development Representative
Reducing Relationship Conflict
“I’ve realized why certain people trigger me so much especially when I recognize how their Saboteurs bring up my Saboteurs. I’m learning to see these people with empathy and curiosity, which have greatly reduced my stress in interacting with them and my resentment of them.”
~ Healthcare Professional
Regulating Emotions
“I’m proud that I’ve been able to process my emotions with much more clarity and without losing control of myself even during a family health emergency. I was able to handle my emotions with strength and not panicking in that moment.”
~ Sales Manager “I notice when I’m starting to feel annoyed or stressed, but I can move past it now that I’m learning to surf the waves.” ~ Healthcare Professional
Impact of my Saboteurs on Others
“My “Aha!” moment was when I saw how my Hyper-Achiever is spilling over into how I put pressure on my children just like what my dad did to me.”
~ Mom of Two “After learning about my Victim Saboteur, I took action the next day, speaking up and I saw immediate results. My manager didn’t dislike me as I had imagined because once I lowered the walls that I had built up around me, he is much friendlier and talkative towards me”. ~ Project Manager
Being a Better Leader
“I’ve worked on myself first and I feel more confident and better now which helps me listen more, talk less, and not jump to conclusions. I’ve also been teaching my team and sharing insights I’ve learnt here.”
~ Team Lead “I realized that my Hyper-Achiever was creating stress for my team and I’m now learning to practice more empathy for them”. ~ Software Development Manager