Would you like to:
- feel less stressed and reduce burnout symptoms?
- boost your confidence to propel you to success?
- sharpen your focus to perform at your best?
- better manage work-life balance?
- inspire your team to achieve their potential?
- show up fully for your family?
- have stronger, happier relationships?
- reduce the impact of negative emotions on your performance and wellbeing?

A staggering 80% of us don’t reach our full potential due to a lack of Mental Fitness — where our negative mindsets dominate, resulting in overwhelming stress, conflict, underperformance and even burnout.
By discovering the art of Mental Fitness, you’ll approach your work and relationships with a positive mindset that will propel you to success, improve your wellbeing, and transform your life in 8 weeks.
What is Mental Fitness?
Mental Fitness is about our ability to shift from our default negative reactions to more positive responses to life’s challenges.
It refers to our overall mental wellbeing and resilience in coping with everyday stresses because, let’s face it, life is hard.
Just like Physical Fitness, improving our Mental Fitness muscles requires regular exercise, training, and practice.
Results From Improved Mental Fitness
Research from New York Times best-selling author and Stanford lecturer Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® program has found that Mental Fitness helps:
- Boost cognitive functioning, leadership, and team performance
- Improve emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing and resilience
- Strengthen relationships, increase empathy and reduce conflict

NOTE: All trademarks, images, and research data pertaining to the Positive Intelligence Program are owned by Shirzad Chamine and Positive Intelligence, and used with consent.
About Discovering Mental Fitness

At the core of Discovering Mental Fitness is Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® program, which is based on Shirzad’s breakthrough, original research with more than a million participants from over 50 countries combined with recent discoveries in Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Psychology, and Performance Science
As a PQ Coach™ with Shirzad Chamine’s revolutionary program, I have enhanced his program with one-on-one coaching sessions to help you develop your Mental Fitness muscles and improve your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) in this transformative 8-week program
What Makes This Program Uniquely Effective to Bring You Long-Term Results?
Dedicating just 15 minutes a day practicing PQ Reps with mobile app-based challenges spread throughout the day will significantly improve your ability to regulate attentional focus and control
This will build sustainable habits which can help you:
- optimize performance
- improve wellbeing
- experience greater peace and calm
- overcome difficult challenges
- be more present
- strengthen relationships
- and even, as many have found, transform your life!

The mobile app challenges are enhanced with weekly videos, audio content from Shirzad’s book, and coaching sessions from your PQ CoachTM to help reinforce the learnings and practice.
Time Commitment
Here’s your weekly time commitment:
- Saturdays through Mondays: View 1-hour video (split into easily digestible bite-sized segments) from Shirzad explaining Positive Intelligence concepts.
- Tuesdays through Fridays: 2-minute reflection, mindfulness, thought or behavioural exercises (“Challenges”) scheduled every 3 hours for a total of 10 to 15 minutes per day. These are comprised of:
- Focus of the Day
- Challenges x 3
- Daily Reflection
- During Weeks 1, 4, and 8: 1-hour one-on-one coaching session (depending on the package you choose)
In addition, at your convenience over the 8-week period:
Shirzad’s Positive Intelligence Book: These 8 chapters can be read in PDF or audio format by listening to the audio book on your drive, in the shower, while you’re working out….
Register now to reserve your seat and take advantage of this amazing offer.
It will change your perspective on life!
“Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice.”
~ Positive Intelligence website
Transformative and Lasting Change
We’ve all taken that ever-so-interesting course or read that best-selling self-help book with all these wonderful ideas that we don’t end up implementing. Learning new knowledge is great, but to have real transformative change, we need to develop consistent habits since there are no magic wands or fairy godmothers transforming us instantly into the people we want to be.

1) Developing Consistent Habits for Long-Term Change
We’ll help you grow your Mental Fitness muscles through 15 minutes of daily practice that teach you how to shift to a consistent positive mindset.
This helps build neural pathways in our brains that will form powerful, long-lasting habits. Some studies have found positive changes evident through fMRI brain scans within 8 weeks of consistent daily mindfulness practice.
Over this 8-week program, you’ll receive:
a) PQ App features:
- One-year access to the PQ mobile app to content provided in the first 7 weeks.
- App-based prompts for reflection and mindfulness exercises (for 7 weeks).
- Access to the PQ Reps Gym exercises on the app.
- First eight chapters of Shirzad’s Positive Intelligence (in audio book format).
- 7 x weekly one-hour long instructional videos featuring Shirzad himself.
- Measurable progress on your PQ Muscles in the app.
- PQ community for support and learning.
- Discussion questions for weekly pod meetings (if you’re joining with friends and family as a group).
b) Enhanced features of the Mastering Mental Fitness program:
- Unlimited WhatsApp support during the 8 weeks.
- 3 x one-hour coaching calls with a PQ Coach™ spread over 8 weeks. (depending on the package you choose)

2) Treating Root Cause, Not Symptoms
A symptom, e.g. a cough, is a condition that indicates there is a problem or illness, while the cause is the underlying reason that the cough manifested, e.g. COVID-19, flu, cold, dusty room, the blasting air conditioning, pollution, or years of smoking.
If you had a cough and took cough syrup, that may help reduce the coughing symptom, but it will not do anything to treat the cause of the cough which, in the case of environmental factors or long-term behaviour like smoking, would return over time since it is only a temporary, band-aid solution.
Likewise, a holiday may provide a nice break from work stress, but it will not solve the cause of work stressors such as avoiding difficult tasks or feeling angry with your micromanaging boss.
Shirzad’s research has uncovered the main obstacles to and key enablers of optimal performance, wellbeing, and happier relationships, which we specifically address in the program.
3) Building Core Mental Fitness Muscles
Using Shirzad’s methodology to develop Mental Fitness muscles which re-wire our brain, we’ll be addressing the root causes and not just the symptoms to propel you towards successful performance, better wellbeing, and stronger relationships.
With just 15 minutes a day of practice you can build the three core mental muscles towards sustained, long-lasting change towards mental clarity and wellbeing!
Just as developing physical muscles requires consistent and frequent exercise, Mental Fitness also requires regular practice to build your mental muscles so that you can navigate life and its challenges with calm and positive energy.
4) Coaching Sessions with your PQ Coach™
Throughout the 8-week program, you will have unlimited WhatsApp support with your PQ Coach™ who will be checking in with you on your progress.
There will also be 3 x one-hour coaching calls, scheduled before, during and after, the PQ Program. These will help you clarify and apply your learnings as you build your PQ Muscles that will result in long-term sustainable change.
You can also use this time to discuss any challenges you may be facing or any aspirations you may have for your career, life, or relationships.

According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), formerly known as the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), the likelihood of achieving a goal is just 25% when you make a decision to do it, but it increases to 95% when you have a specific appointment with an accountability partner who will ask about your progress.
These coaching sessions will provide you with the support and accountability to propel you towards better wellbeing, professional success, and stronger relationships.
Additional coaching sessions can also be included at any time for additional cost.
For more information on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® program, you can watch this video: https://vimeo.com/781078986 or visit https://www.positiveintelligence.com/program/
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
~ Henry David Thoreau.
Choose the Mental Fitness package that best suits your current needs and desired outcomes (all prices in USD):
Discovering Mental Fitness
8-Week Program
The Discovering Mental Fitness 8-week program includes:
- Enrollment in Shirzad Chamine’s 6-week foundation PQ® Program
- One-year access to the PQ App and all of the content provided in the first 6 weeks
- Unlimited WhatsApp Support from a PQ Coach for 8 weeks
Developing Mental Fitness
8-Week Program
3 Coaching Sessions
- All the benefits of the Discovering Mental Fitness program, plus
- 3 x 1 hour One-on-One Coaching Sessions with a PQ Coach during the PQ® Program. The discussion topics in these sessions are based on your needs, but may comprise the proposed topics below:
- Customized discussion exploring your top 3 Saboteurs
- Strategies to counter these Saboteurs with Sage
- Applying the Sage Perspective and Sage Powers to a specific challenge that you are currently facing
Mastering Mental Fitness
16-Week Program
7 Coaching Sessions
The Mastering Mental Fitness 16-week program includes:
- All the benefits of the Developing Mental Fitness program, plus
- 4 additional bi-weekly 1 hour One-on-One Coaching Sessions with a PQ Coach after completion of the PQ® Program to support you in applying the learnings to your daily life such as:
- Stress Management, Workplace Conflict, Leadership, Performance, Relationships, and more
Take the FREE Saboteurs assessment and email your results to: jeanette@kskycoaching.com to set up a complimentary 15-minute Zoom call to discuss your assessment results.
Plus, for a limited time only, you can get 50% off the regular price of the Mastering Mental Fitness program.
Register now to reserve your seat and take advantage of this amazing offer.
It will change your perspective on life!
Contact us to get your FREE Saboteurs assessment and email your results to: jeanette@kskycoaching.com to set up a complimentary 15-minute Zoom call to discuss your assessment results.
Register now to reserve your seat and take advantage of this amazing offer.
It will change your perspective on life!
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Based on our experience, we are confident in the value of this transformative program.
If, by end of the 8-week program, you do not see any changes in your stress level, wellbeing, focus, performance, thoughts, behaviour, or relationships, we will issue you a refund (less an administrative fee and transaction costs such as those imposed by the bank and any exchange rates), provided you commit to the daily practice and use your best efforts in this program.
If you have completed all the exercises in a timely manner and truly believe that you have done your best in learning and applying all the principles of the program yet have not seen any positive changes in your life, please send us a request for a refund within 60 days of your program start date.
This will help you try this program completely risk-free with the potential to change your life.
Master the art of Mental Fitness with Shirzad’s revolutionary Positive Intelligence® program and PQ Coaching with me to propel your performance to the next level, elevate your wellbeing, strengthen your relationships, and transform your life in just 8 weeks
Message me at jeanette@kskycoaching.com for a free consulation to see if the Mastering Mental Fitness program is right for you.
As a coach, I have seen the incredibly powerful impact this program has had on others and myself.
I have personally found it life-changing especially as I manage the challenges in my life with a profound sense of peace and resilience that I never knew I had. I’d love to share more about this revolutionary proram with you and answer any questions you may have.
If you’d like to register with friends, colleagues, or family members, you can form a learning support community (a PQ pod) and receive discounted pricing.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to welcome you to the transformative PQ Community!
NOTE: All trademarks, images, and research data pertaining to the Positive Intelligence Program are owned by Shirzad Chamine and Positive Intelligence, and used with consent.
All other images are royalty-free from the wonderful www.pexels.com and www.pixabay.com
If you’d like to read about some of our success stories, click below.
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